These seal is used in Tractor Trolley Part's.???????
Nitrile (NBR) Butadiene Rubber Seals for Industrial and Domestic Use
Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) is usually considered as the backbone of the industrial and automotive rubber products industries. NBR is actually a complex family of unsaturated synthetic rubber copolymers of acrylonitrile (ACN) and butadiene. The physical and chemical properties of NBR depend on the percentage of acrylonitrile in the base polymer. Generally, this type of synthetic rubber is resistant to oil, fuel, grease, water, air and flame retardant liquids (HFA, HFB, HFC).
Today, NBR is one of the most popular sealing elements due to its strong engineering properties. NBR rubber seals, can be used in hydraulic liquid, gas oil, silicon oil, animal and vegetable oils and fats as well as hot and cold water.
Beneficial Aspects of Nitrile Rubber Seals
The following aspects of NBR have made it the most widely used elastomer in the sealing industry today: